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♥Copyrighted 2008

.Wednesday, April 30, 2008 ' 10:11 PM

Yo 34th! I apologise for my previous post. I guess it was quite harshly-worded and I was quite pissed at that time la. In case you are wondering, I got over it on the night itself le, so I'm ok now. I guess the others are quite ok too! (:

Hm.. nothing else much to say la, just hope all our activities will be successful! (: Especially our first few ones, let's start our term with a blast! =D


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, April 29, 2008 ' 8:51 PM

haha the blog's getting kinda gloomy T.T okay guys lets just put it all behind us k? since its over and stuffs... we'll have lots of time together to build batch spirit!! WOOOOOOOOOOO~~ (btw so there really IS an oac railing? O.o okay i'll drop by :D )and soooooo... just a random joke :D

Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit lived in the same forest, but they didn't like each other very much. One day, while walking through the woods, and they came across a golden frog. They were amazed when the frog talked to them. The golden frog admitted that he didn't often meet anyone, but, when he did, he always gave them six wishes, so he told them that they could have three wishes each.

Mr. Bear immediately wished that all the other bears in the forest were females. The frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit, after thinking for a while, wished for a crash helmet. One appeared immediately, and he placed it on his head.

Mr. Bear was amazed at Mr. Rabbit's wish, but carried on with his second wish. He wished that all the bears in the neighboring forests were females as well, and the frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit then wished for a motorcycle. It appeared before him, and he climbed on board and started revving the engine.

Mr. Bear could not believe it and complained that Mr. Rabbit had wasted two wishes that he could have had for himself. Shaking his head, Mr. Bear made his final wish, that all the other bears in the world were females as well, leaving him as the only male bear in the world. The frog replied that it had been done, and they both turned to Mr. Rabbit for his last wish.

Mr. Rabbit revved the engine, thought for a second, then said, “I wish that Mr. Bear was gay!” and rode off as fast as he could.

haha :P thats random >< lolllll anywae WOOOOO CSM TMR!!! and i got 2 cones today~ ^^

eileen <3 whoa!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 7:22 PM

hey people! I know quite a few people are sad about elections and stuff, but now that it is over (and we kind of cannot do anything about it), let's just let it go. Anyway, if anyone's feeling super emo, you can always come to the oac railing in the morning and we (me, val, karmun, debbie, andy, peiyiyt, kanzy) will be there to emo with you! We can emo together and zihigh after that. =]

I agree with kanzy that our batch has a lot to work on, especially our team spirit. Seriously speaking, I am kind of disappointed at some people too. Yeah. So, what I really hope is that our batch can get really bonded. I know I can't ask everyone to love oac and treat everybody in oac as their bestest best friends, but I hope that oac and our batch will have a special place in everyone's heart. The thing is, I just hope that everyone can love the batch and not treat oac as just a commitment.

Anyway, just a random thing. I know I am not very good at comforting people, but if you are sad, I am more than willing to emo with you and share your troubles. Yeah.

With much love,

P.S I love lavi. <3333>


I <333 34th! :)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, April 28, 2008 ' 11:30 PM


hey guys the new pic's up! it looks kinda weird so i'm still editing it... heh

anywae in response to the posts below... i just wanna say sorry if we seemed unsupportive or anything... just that i really didnt know (or even realise)..shit shit shit sorry T.T i guess i'm too caught up in my own little world.................... ahhhhhhhh sorry sorry..

haha time for me to be emo.. anywae i'm seriously feeling guilty for that, since i'm usually much more sensitive than this... shit just wanna say that the batch loves ya k?! no matter wad posts we get, we're still together as the 34th oac and thats all that matters right? <3 ya guys and please, dun emo le! :) i guess not everyone's happy with their posts (i think only a minority is really happy?) so yea we're all in this together! cheer up guys <3333333

LOVE ya guys and CHEER UP!!!! <3

eileen <3 whoa

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 10:36 PM

Batch Spirit

If you're easily offended, I seriously hope you don't continue reading this post. This is nothing as forgiving/nice as Valerie's post. I guess in time to come I may/will regret what I have written in this post, but I still think that I should write it anyway. In any case, I'm a believer of free-speech, and this is a blog. Are blogs not for you to write your true feelings, instead of the random/retarded banal stuff that seems to be more prevalent?

Well, some of you may think that I'm sore from not having gotten the post I wanted in elections, and to be honest, I guess that may be true to a certain extent. After all, if you don't even get your second choice, you're hardly likely to be in a good mood, no? But I'll be truthful and say that I'm not so much affected by the elections results, than what happened afterwards. Oh wells... onto the post..

Ha! Thinking back to during the elections when some people made speeches about the bonds we made during YLTC makes me laugh now. Seems quite empty to me, when most people just walked off. Simple as that. No goodbyes, no words of concern. (I'm not really talking about myself. After all, after council elections, I can probably handle this better than most people.) So when people went to toilets/other places to emo, some just went home. Pretty bonded batch, no?

Yea, of course. It was late. You needed to get home. If you leave 1 min later you'll probably miss your bus. Your mum will skin you alive. Your family will lock you outside. Your dinner will go cold. Shrugg...

Yes, I may sound petty, stupid, retarded, moronic, unreasonable, whatever. But anyway, what I'm trying to say is that our batch still needs lots more bonding, and some people's behaviours today just... to put it nicely... pissed me off.

You may think I'm bullshitting. You may think I'm pissed cause I didnt' get my post. You may think I'm angry at those who got what they wanted. But you just go and think about it for a moment, and look into your heart, and see if there isn't some ounce of truth in my words.

P.S. Those who really disagree with me/got really offended, please come find me on Tuesday or Wednesday, and I will apologise to you. If you're unhappy with my post, just make it known. I'd prefer not to have any skulduggery/bitching in our batch. That's why I posted this.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 10:01 PM

so sorry for being emo and stuff after the votings
this is called sudden wave of emo-ing :(
firstly, grats to everyone who got what they want.
but to those (talking to self and deb) who didn't,
mm, pardon.
but really,
but at the end of this,
i found that it really is comforting to have people who truely cares
well, for one, i kinda connected with debbie after that
yes, so some good came out of this (:
and of course, jasmine! :DD
i mean, who else will cry for you, valerie?
and there is kanzy, who (i know wants another post real bad too)
comforted me when he is not very happy and hopping himself
then of course there is zhenrui and charlton who said saintly stuff like
"not everyone gets what they want" : hmm,
true, true. and i guessed i spewed random stuff i should not say at the busstop,
just ignore that would u all? :(
i dont really mean it.
and of course who can forget EVERYONE who stayed back and waited/ yelled random stuff/ emoed/ threw stones/ jumped with me and debbie. :DD
thank god i did not jumped off the railings,
which i almost did. (accident).
wells, shall continue with spewing thanks for everyone.
weichang, who missed his vbc for us :D
and andy who stayed back and had to eat supper instead of dinner
renice, (and also wc) who came into girl's toilet to look for us
and jiajun who sent that super long sms to me :D
pardon me if i missed out anyone,
my brain wasnt really functioning normally.
but love you all :D

oh and photo for batch,
sorry, as it was on text mode, the photo is bloody screwed --"
zhenrui has a better one.

^shit unglam photo.

oh, and know what
that is like my first dinner-less night.. :(
but in the words of my friend,
"sometimes the things u get will turn out better than what u expect to get" (:
yes deb! we will grow into it! i will be a half- firstaider! and you be a half p&s! (:
now i am determined to be a great p&s chief
and do it bloody well.
just you see.

love, valeriee.

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, April 27, 2008 ' 8:38 AM

Hohohohooh! Shall spam pictures here! =]]] The photos are random cause Jasmine is too lazy to sort them out!

Peiyit the bullet!

Ren is grabbing victor's hand!!! I wonder what she is going to do to him!



Steffi is jealous...

I <333>

Rahhhhhh! Jasmine is really damn hungry!


I love hotcakes!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, April 26, 2008 ' 11:29 PM

Hello :) For pics of YL Night prep, YL night and other random occasions, click here. I now declare myself official WHOA paparazzi :D

YL Night prep
The Dears :)

Raphael is straight!

Or not...

YL Night :)

Comanches GI :D

Maverick... Don't dui4 bu4 qi3 your dear...

Pics from last day of interview


Check out the retarded Li Fern series:





OH MY TIAN! What are Jasmine and Wei Chang doing??!

Group Pictures!

Don't let your EZ Link cards fall into the hands of the paparazzi or else...

That's all for now :) But remember, the paparazzi is always watching...

Posted by Prongs

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 7:11 PM

atlantis group photos!
although some group still haven taken --"
oh and random photos we took at OAC railings
(right wing class benches there)
lets meet every morning at WHOA railings! :DD
wet weather plan: go to karmun's class benches and squeeze her class mates away! :D


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:00 AM


Hey whoa!

Internal elections confirmed to be on this coming monday, 28/4. Venue and time has yet to be confirmed, will inform u ppl soon (: Please think about which post u wanna run for seriously before the elections on mon. (:

see you all on mon then :)


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, April 24, 2008 ' 8:35 PM

Jasmine the nice shall post! =]]]] Roars. I love abingdon boys school! They sang the ED for dgrayman! and their other songs are nice too!

Abingdon Boys School - Via Dolorosa (translation)

Unclasping fingers numb from cold
The snow falling on your shoulders
As your eyes are cast downward
Silently conceals the adoration
Painting the streets in white, leaving no trace behind

The slanted rays of moonlight
Border the lines of your back
As if we desired each other's wounds
Blocking out the night with tears
Erasing the emotions that only drift about aimlessly

If I could have stayed by your side
Until the pain in the depths of your eyes showed through...
I'll leave behind the remnants of the days I can't return to
And say goodbye

More than the loneliness I draw in alone
The loneliness we spun together
Makes my deserted heart tremble

If I could have stayed with you long enough
For this grief to reach the depths of your eyes...
I'll leave behind the last kiss we shared
And say goodbye

Roars! I love this song. It is so sad. I love shawnees! I love whoa! =]

Jasmine (who is damn nice and cute)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 7:13 PM


hey hey this is my fav jap band do as infinity! love their songs :)





Yesterday and Today


Rumble fish

Under the Sun

Field of Dreams

Tangerine Dream

魔法の言葉 -Would you marry me?-

We are



Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 6:50 PM


hey ppl this is wat we learnt in bio lecture! dun be jealous non-bio ppl :) bio is juz DAMN FUN!


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:21 AM

-Peekchah of 2 CHIOBUS :P
dear pls dun get jealous zr alrdy belongs to calean!
(and i wudn't go for him anyway unless he lets me hit him all day for e rest of his life.)

since nobody posted today i shall just upload a random pic for fun.
watch as zr tries to act kewl n comes nowhere close to me :P
ok la let's not be so mean to our dear CI.
we'll hit u less frm now onwards k i promise:)
btw my mom and 2 of my frens mistook u for a gal when i put tis as my dp LOL.
HAHAHAH u can be Miss YL runner up leh! xDD
the person who took tis pic must be dam pro, coz the background is beautiful!
who else but my beloved prettaye prettaye dearrrr eileen is in the bg!<333
oh i'd like to say gratz to all who made it into OAC,
but more imptly we still love u guys who sadly couldn't join us :(
u guys will always remain a part of WHOA in our hearts :D
oh and YAY DEAR WE R TGT IN OAC<3333
ok gnite gotta slp nw haf both PHY and CHEM SPA tmr URGH.
-Miss YL/OH

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, April 23, 2008 ' 1:01 AM

jus decided to sneak a short post now while my beloved dear is helping me to edit my PI.
awww how sweet is tt? love ya truckloads eileen<333
ok nvm so now going back to topic,
o wait i havent even started e topic.
oh ya gl to everyone for tmr's peer evaluation results!
n also for the science students, gl 4 SPA :)
gnite ppl better go mug l8r my dear scold me :X
sleeptite n dun let e bedbugs bite!
oh n specially directed to my dear:
sweetdreams of me n love u with all my heart~ MUACKZ<3

Mave :D

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, April 22, 2008 ' 7:31 PM

i like this song!



Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 7:19 PM

peer evaluation!

since shihuan dint want me to breach his copyright..

Sorry for being so crap, but i really think theres no point in wishing ppl all the best for interview results (in the first place, i dont think it has much link to the interview but nvm)

No matter how hard we wish, there will be people who are going out. (or rather, not coming in). Its a zero sum market. Its also quite ironical to jiayou ppl about the results, because if someone gets in, it means someone else being unable to get in. If you get in, remember that someone is getting kicked out. We are one batch, so by jiayou-ing your friends about the results, you are, in a sense, wishing that your friends get in and others don't?

Theres nothing much we can do about the results already. So cheer up people. We really need to get ourselves PREPARED for the results, whatever it is. Prepared to congratulate those ppl who get in, Prepared to respond to those who don't, Prepared to accept whatever result you yourself get.

So people! Cheer up (even though im feeling dam down when typing this)!. Go eat some chocolate or something.

Whatever the result, we are still one batch. For us who don't get in, we can all join like chess and bridge together. can always still visit this blog (and talk about the eileenmav scandal). and can always join in the activities.

Yea.  don't emo.. that much.

-Jia Jun

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 7:13 PM

woots peer eva results!

its pro evo results! (paiseh peer eva)
hey hey the results for the oac peer eva thing are coming out. it is inevitable that
some of us have to leave but we have to accept it. nontheless, the
spirit of WHOA lives in the hearts of every single one of us, for we
as a batch have survived YL! the MROCs, the tekan, the cheers, the
xiao mi mi... we will remember them! so people we wish one another
the best for the interview results :)

here's the song that u guys love (coz i sang it!)sry for being so
random lol






jiajun y u kope my email! i got copyright hor!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 6:41 PM

shihuan's emo post

Copied from Shihuan's email

hey hey the interview results are coming out. it is inevitable that
some of us have to leave but we have to accept it. nontheless, the
spirit of WHOA lives in the hearts of every single one of us, for we
as a batch have survived YL! the MROCs, the tekan, the cheers, the
xiao mi mi... we will remember them! so people we wish one another
the best for the interview results :)

here's the song that u guys love (coz i sang it!)sry for being so
random lol





[i really hope that no matter what the results, we'll wont separate (that much). We can always be unofficial members. And stick around for atlantis groupings also!]


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, April 21, 2008 ' 8:42 PM


Hey people!! Go learn the sundance on youtube so that we can try out dancing it soon! HAHA!

We need to MASTER it by like June - July period there.. how long do you think we will take? =P The dance is very repetitive lah.. A, B, B, C, A. (For A, B, C as 3 real different sets of dance steps)

A - Front dancing part until before the start of the solos
B - The solos all through to the end of the 'chorus'
C - The part linked to group names

=) GO AND LEARN!! (stop mugging ><)


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 3:47 PM

Math test!!

Haha been wanting to do this for a loooooong time :D

hey guys look at the right side of the blog! haha just wanna do a poll on what grade we all got for the math test (the one where we decided to heck for the sake of YL night!! ^^) wahahahaha this'll be interesting. Be honest guys! ><

haha just something random while doing PI. T.T argh now back to work. sighhhhhh

eileen <3 whoa!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 11:18 AM


Hello! I'm here again! Some photos from yl night! Haha to those who don't have the pictures yet, they shld be circulating around. Just bug me, jiajun or steffi if you want the pictures :)
Electrons :)
Our councillors
- zhenrui :P

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

N Whisper-ed '

Talk to me ♥

N Whoa '

This is whoa ♥

HCI OAC Batch 34

N A poll~ '

How did you do? ♥

The best colour is..
See Results

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Listen up ♥

N Credits '

Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes.whoa!♥
Codings : xx .
Cursors : x

N Photos '



Atlantis 08'
Atlantis08 -WADS up?