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.Wednesday, May 28, 2008 ' 5:17 PM

Hello everyone, I know I'm supposed to be doing my hist term paper now, but after chionging for so long, i feel like blogging :D

Basically, holidays are so boring cos more than half the batch is not in singapore!!! x.x Come back quickly pls? Then we can go charlton's house to play :D

Oh regarding the outing at charlton's hse, i am thinking of putting it on the 7th of June. basically his whole family will be overseas cept him, so we can go there and wreak havoc! we can bring mahjong, can bring consoles, can bring homework ask charlton give u tuition, go there slp or stone. :D Will confirm with u guys again :D

ok off to do term paper liao.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, May 27, 2008 ' 10:33 AM

random post! (:
i got this card from pasta and took a random photo! xD
yay 34th! okays, farewell my friends,
have fun at bike hike! :DD


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, May 25, 2008 ' 10:23 PM

Latin Phrases

Being the 太过空闲 guy who hasnt packed his NZ bag yet, i went and searched for nice latin phrases, and found alot.

Will be posting both the good and funny ones here, for your own entertainment. Beware the list is ultra long.

So here are the serious ones first:

Serious Quotes

Here comes the funny ones:

Funny Quotes

Thats all. Wonder how long you guys take to read through it.

[edit: forgot to put my references: http://www.yuni.com/library/latin.html]

[edit: this is Jia Jun]

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:21 PM

Reminders for June hols

1. The ppts used during the general meeting has been placed on to the yahoo groups 'files' section, please have a look at it while waiting for the minutes to be done up.

2. For those who are OICs and ICs for specific events. (e.g. OIC/IC for Bike Hike) Go find the respective seniors from 33rd who were OICs and ICs for the event. So for MAF, find Jacky and the other 5 seniors, Atlantis, Litang and the other 3 seniors etc.

3. Respective chiefs and posts who have yet to meet your seniors, try and arrange ASAP and meet them before blocks..

4. For the attache system, we will need to inform the seniors first.. so don't contact your senior yet.

5. Go and learn the sun dance from youtube! =) If not wait for the dance ICs to teach your.. =_= Or just change the dance ICs.

6. Karmun and Eileen - shirt design and whoa logo.. =D

7. Debbie and Mav - whoa cheer? If anyone can help to do a cheer.. please help!

8. Batch identity.. Steffi...... -sTuFfY-

9. Investiture - The postings for the committees will be out soon. Pick a head in your comm, or else just be communists. But I strongly encourage picking a head to help manage stuff better. Log comm may want to be pick 2 heads since your are the biggest comm. Try and sort out what you need to do (e.g. decor, items, progs) and perhaps meet up to discuss here and there

10. Investiture - We need to think of a THEME! Go and find themes related to life, saying goodbye etc. Best to be in weird languages

11. June hols - Try and keep yourself free from the 6th to 8th (Ask Zhen Rui for details) and also the 3rd week of the holidays as we may have stuff on. PT sessions, meeting for investiture, meeting to go mug.... =O

12. Consider carefully the nickname you want on your personalised T-shirt. We should be collating them soon so that we can print the shirts out. If can get before investiture we can even show off to the seniors. =)

13. 5th June - Go down to airport to fetch Charlton. 1910hrs arriving in Singapore, SQ 286.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, May 19, 2008 ' 9:58 PM

Term 2 Week 10

Hi people, important things to take note of.

Bike hike forms are to be handed to Steffi with the money ($20) by tuesday (20/5) as that is THE deadline for the forms.

There is a PT session on wednesday even though the Artemisians are going off to SISPEC. Most of us will probably return from SISPEC to school.. so must wait. =P Then we can go watch Artsfest together and have dinner too! =)

Friday there will be a General Meeting (GM)! Venue will be confirmed ASAP.. agenda is somewhat confirmed.. got alot of stuff to settle. =) Must turn up for the GM! Timing is after CT session by the way.

Send your holiday schedules to our dear CI ASAP! He needs to collate!


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, May 17, 2008 ' 4:00 PM

for deb, jas and karmun who asked for this photo :DD

Rockclimbing 08'


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 1:27 PM


Posted by Prongs

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, May 14, 2008 ' 12:54 AM


Hi people!

I am very bored.. and don't feel like mugging for physics.. so let me waste time! =D

News Today: Lonely boy =(

It has been reported recently that there is one person who feels extremely left out in OAC. This is a shocking report and we decided to send in a group of experienced reporters to probe on the matter to discover more. From our reports, we have found that the poor little boy, is called.. Charlton. =D (I mean.. =X)

As most people know, there are 5 people from OG5 in OAC. They were once a happy little bunch that would stick together and have fun together.. but then one day, everything changed suddenly. "All of a sudden, I found myself all alone.. the other 4 are always.. in pairs!" Charlton, the victim of the whole occurence told our reporter that went down to the prestigious institution situated in the bukit timah area.

Other members of OG5 have replicated similar views on the 2 significant pairs in OG5 and in OAC. One member, who wishes to remain anonymous, said, "I tell you.. those 2.. and that other 2 arh... *sigh* Always together one!! Go for OG outing, also stick together.. when sit down for meals, also must sit next to each other, if not opposite one another. Always so lovey-dovey one.. haiyo.."

It is clear that the victim of this whole issue, a young 16-year-old boy, nice, intelligent, caring, considerate...... (too many good points to list!) is being heavily affected by the recent occurences. His grades have significantly dropped and there are clear indications that he is becoming more and more weary. The victim plans to sue the other 4 soon in the Charlton Court. Hopefully, the issue will be resolved soon.

The 4 culprits are not supposed to be named as they are still below the age of 18. But since they are already 16, who cares?! They are... *drum roll* ...Zhen Rui & Calean, and Shi Huan and Steffi! =D Save Charlton from his loneliness today! Support him in his case against them! (even though they have the power of love~)


Sigh.. so bored.. Guess go sleep liao. =P Heck physics!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, May 13, 2008 ' 10:43 PM

Update from PTIs!


Weekly PT sessions will start from next Wednesday onwards! (cue applause and cheering)
Details are as follows :
Time: 3-6pm
Planned activities: One hour of PT, two hours of games!
From the collated NAPFA results, weak areas identified are Standing Broad Jump, Pull-ups and Running.

Planned PT
Running around track/school
Jumping up the terraces
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups

Planned Games
Captain's Ball
(Suggest your own here)

Eh fyi the senior PTIs called our batch DAMN ________ (random negative comment)____
So we better go and PROVE THEM WRONG! heehee
jiayou for rock climbing tmr! turn up on time pls! like 30 mins early that kind of on time XD


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:43 PM


super super cute x) go watch!
and the christmas card one is super cute too
and that, most importantly, it is FOR ME! (:
ahahas, go see! :D


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:12 PM

Rock Climbing

Greetings to everyone,

This is a reminder for all who are going for rock climbing at Climb Adventure tomorrow to assemble at the OAC bench at 14:15 dressed in P.E t-shirt and P.E shorts. We will be taking public transport to our destination. We will be dismissed from there at around 18:00 and only those with valid reasons will be allowed to leave early. Try not to be late so that we can have more time and fun tomorrow afternoon. Thats all, see you guys tomorrow!

Zheng Xian

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 7:00 PM

Help save an ailing CCA!

Ticket sales for How The Other Half Loves have been pretty dismal (no thanks to a certain other concert) and at this rate, it is likely that the drama wing of the ELDDFS will have to close down due to lack of school support.

Alot of effort is needed to put on a production, from the director, stage manager, actors, to the stage hands, props, lighting and sound people. These students have to stay back till late everyday to practise just to bring their artistic vision to life. But without you, they are nothing. A stage is not a stage without an audience.

Drama has always been an integral part of any arts scene, and hwachong's is so much richer with it. Please don't let Hwa Chong drama become a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more.

How The Other Half Loves is on the 16th and 17th of May at 7.30pm at the high school drama centre. Please order your tickets today. Contact me at prlim76@hotmail.com or 90618429.

Posted by Prongs

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, May 12, 2008 ' 8:50 PM

Hey everyone

Those going for bike hike who has not yet taken a form, get it from me (I photocopied for everyone) by tmr morning at the bench I'm always at in the morning! The deadline should be either tmr or the day after, so bring along $20 to pay! For those who is lazy to look for me, you can just print out the form that Pei Yit has uploaded to the yahoo group :)

Rockclimbing is on this wednesday! Remember to bring PE shirt and PE pants (Air Chiefs said no fbts right?) and $10/$12(not sure abt this). Those who cannot go please inform the air chiefs :) Rockclimbing will be at clementi (whee close to cck) :) Interested in dinner after rockclimbing???

Haha that should be all, happy mugging physics people :)


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, May 11, 2008 ' 1:06 AM

haha to add on to the scandal between zr and andy...

the day when we had atlantis? we bought dinner and were sitting at a random place enjoying our burgers.. and sometime when everyone's deciding to leave for home i over heard andy saying to zr: " TOUCH ME!"

this is completely true and the thing is...ZR REALLY TOUCHED ANDY. they were touching each other. right in the middle of the circle. in front of everybody. in front of ME. and then deny it later when i ask them. tsk tsk. (i forgot the excuse they gave me coz it wasn't important :D wads important is THEY WERE TOUCHIN EACH OTHER! OMIGOSH)

plus andy and zr always very scandalous on 67 de la! they are super close and always give each other secret stares >< (ok maybe i made this up but ITS TRUE OKAY!! )and who knows whether they are secretly touching each other behind my backkk....... :D

poor andy i'm so sorry u seemed to be scandalised a lot :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


eileen <3 WHOA!

(*secret evil laugh that haunts zhenrui in his sleep*)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:53 AM

Hey peepz! Ur beloved sole male sea chief here:D
I didn't notice tt SOMEONE else alrdy posted abt this but i'm just gonna carry on anyway since i've typed all this out>< Just incase ya haven't noticed from some of our fellow batchmates' msn nicks, we've finally come up with an msn-whats-it-called-thingy for 34th! like abt time yea? -.-

we shall all include [whoa!<34] in front of our nicknames
for people like renice, here's how it shud look:
eg. [whoa!<34] hi i'm zhenrui pls hit me:)

and as for our pm, pls include I HATE ZHEN RUI at e front too:)
so again, it shud look like:
eg. [whoa!<34]>
yep so i guess it's settled for our batch msnwhatsitcalledthingy then! YAYYY :DDD

Reports of the Andy-Eileen scandal has been revealed to be a hoax! :O
It has been discovered that this has all been a conspiracy to hide a shocking truth from the 34th batch! Apparently the stupid scandalous retarded Zhenrui has been using the poor helpless innocent cute adorable sweet pretty Eileen as a coverup for his secret relationship with his new found love, the irresistable seductive andylicious Andy! Mesmerized by Andy's enchanting charm, our CI has been manipulated by him in his evil plan to transform OAC into the ultimate mugger society. So everyday Zhenrui would arrange with Andy to go home together to work on their devious scheme. In order to avoid suspicion, they create a scandal between Eileen and Andy. But their evil deeds will not fool us! Now that the truth is brought to light, we must be wary of these 2 deranged lunatics bent on OAC destruction and in turn foil their cunning plan!
Further investigation is still in progress and updates will soon be posted.

Till next time,


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:29 AM

its official! ^^

hey hey hey guys!!

ITS OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL!! Please put [WHOA!<34] in front of ur msn nick to declare ur love for WHOA!! failure to do so in a week will result in................... EXTRA PT FOR THE REST OF UR LIFE! wahahahahahahahaha so DO IT! or else.... :D (and please put "I HATE ZHENRUI" in ur pm too :D declare ur hatred for our CI!! )

anywae this is the job of CI -.- and apparently our dear dear CI just enjoys bullying and abusing the poor poor PTI T.T boooo him. and anywae just to clear a point..

WHAT ZR SAID IS NOT NOT NOT TRUE! T.T andy is just being nice and gentlemanly la -.- not like somebody else whom u have to drag and pull and punch just so he'll accompany u to the interchange. -.- arghhhhhhhhhh


eileen <3 WHOA! (and hates zhenrui -.-)

P.S charlton i hate u too T.T

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, May 10, 2008 ' 11:22 PM


haha spot me:)

a random post by chipmunk :)

oops i am like spamming the blog wif my lovely memories haha! :)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 11:09 PM




Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:35 PM


hey peeps ur fav land chief aka chipmunk here! :) :) :)

if you read the papers or watched the news (which i hope u will coz it will help in gp), you should noe tt there is a new 9 km trail tt links mount faber to kent ridge!

an excerpt from the news:
PM Lee said: "I think quite a lot of Singaporeans worry that our quality of life will suffer, that there won't be enough space for all of us. And they ask, “Is our little island getting too crowded, will we lose our sense of comfort of space and greenery?” My answer is we will continue to provide a first class living environment for all Singaporeans. We have done quite well in this respect and we will build on this to do better."

That means making water ways and greenery more accessible to the public.

Mr Lee continued: "We will build a park connector from the Alexandra Arch, along Alexandra Road to Labrador Park. We will link up to a mangrove boardwalk at Berlayer Creek, with its rich biodiversity. And eventually connect to a waterfront broad walk from Bukit Chermin all the way to Vivocity."

Cheong Koon Hean, CEO, Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), said: "You are literally walking on the boardwalk with the sea on your r
ight and you can see Sentosa and it will go all the way in front of Labrador Park and also Reflections and then you reach VivoCity. With that, the entire southern ridges will be fully connected. It will be a totally different experience."

The URA first announced its plans to link the Southern Ridges to the parks as part of its Identity Plan in 2002.

And it was widely supported, garnering a 93 per cent endorsement from Singaporeans in a survey.

An online public poll was conducted earlier this year to decide on the names of the two bridges. And Henderson Waves and Alexandra Arch wer
e selected from among 11 options.

Mr Lee later toured the US$13 million horticultural park or HortPark off Alexandra Road.

The 23-hectare park is Southeast Asia's first one-stop gardening and lifestyle hub. It plans to attract one million visitors a year. -CNA/vm

yup! here are some pictures of the nice looking bridge across the southern ridges in the trail!

isnt this totally cool! yup! so now do you want to go for a trail or hike as a batch in june hols or any time here? damn nice lah coz we can walk walk and cock cock as we trudge along this scenic route (9 km long btw) and bonding together! haha 这可说是一箭双雕!

so peeps pls give ur comments on whether we shld hav such a hike so tt the EVER MOST ZAI LAND CHIEFS can go check check and plan the route! :)

chipmunk :)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:04 PM


Hi! Sorry for my slight mistake in my earlier post with the months.. must have been thinking too much about scandals that I placed 14th of Feb (Valentine's Day). =)

Anyway, as the dumb CI has asked me to do the newsflash that will potentially get him killed, I will do so gladly. =P

There are 3 people who take bus 67 on HCJC's side.. 3 that I know of from OAC. Eileen Law (lol), Andy, and yes, our dear CI, Zhen Rui. Please take note that the information that will be displayed next is purely factual and came from the mouth of our dear CI.

Whenever these 3 take bus 67 together, certain.. things will happen. You see.. our little Andy is able to stop at two places.. either earlier, or else at the interchange. While Law usually stops at the interchange. (I hope I did not get the stops wrong) Anyway.. the main point is that Andy will always stop at the later stop.. to follow Law and accompany her to her stop.. and he will also drag our dear CI along with them. So.. why does Andy accompany Law all the way.. and even drag Zhen Rui along?

Reports have indicated that there is a high possibility that he.. likes Law! He stays with her on the bus just to catch one more glimpse of her.. to spend more time with her, to talk to her longer.. And to cover-up on his silent wants and desires to be around her, he drags Zhen Rui along so that there will be 3 of them and it will not seem so scandalous. How wrong of him to think so.. as Zhen Rui has betrayed him by telling the whole world (close to that effect) about his little actions on the bus that means soooooo much. =)

Hopefully, this will not affect the relationship between the well-known couple: Eileen and Mav. Maybe next time, we will have something to report on them! =D

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:37 AM

Good morning WHOA! PLEASE ignore all info about me from the previous post :)

By the way, rock climbing is on the 14th MAY, not FEB, haha seems that our dear ACI do make mistakes too :D Please let the air chiefs know if you cannot make it, it will be at clementi :)

Bike hike registration due next tues! Pls pls pls tell me whether u are going or not :) Bike hike will be on 31st May, registration fee is $20. (a bit ex lah, but u need to rent bike overnight, get cool stuffs, shirt, worth it lah)

Ooh charlton quickly post the news flash! :D

- ur dearest CI zhenrui :D

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, May 9, 2008 ' 11:36 PM



Be reminded to send your holiday plans to Zhen Rui (hoihoi_zr@hotmail.com). Note: Send to ZHEN RUI ONLY. =) This is for him to collate and see what days the most number of people are free so that we can do OAC stuff, have our general meeting, or just hang out! =)

Rock climbing on 14th of May. Attire is PE shirt and shorts (preferably not FBTs). Bring $10 and the meeting time and venue is 1430hrs/2:30pm at OAC bench. If you cannot go, tell Calean or Zheng Xian!

Bike hike is on the 31st of May, registration is next week or something. Zhen Rui will be photocopying the forms for people to sign up. All who are in Singapore on that day (it is a saturday btw).. go for bike hike!

Scandal Comm news flash! 34th OAC has started an excellent tradition of 'abusing authority'. In short, we abuse our dear CI, Zhen Rui! This trend or tradition has started off very well with no complaints and many following the examples set by the founders of this tradition. However, there is one very very prominent anomaly. Can you guess what is it or who is SHE? YES! We found out from years of research and experience in this field, that one person.. Calean Lee Huifang, does not hit Zhen Rui at all!

Everyone must be wondering.. why? The answer is obvious~ She feels the pain too when he gets hit.. so why would she hit him? =) 她疼死他!This further proves that our 'da ge' and 'da sao' are very close to each other! Even so, there is no reason to stop the tradition of 'abusing authority'.. so when you see our dear CI.. give him a 'pat' on the back! A hard 'pat'. =D

News tomorrow will be regarding.. people who take 67.. information provided by our dear CI. So if anyone does not like it.. you know who to find~ =)

[Edit: 14th of February to 14th of May]

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:25 PM

End of poll!

Hey guys!

considering how long the (first) poll has been stagnant, i guess its time to close it!! ^^ and sooooo.... the results are:

What grade did you get for Math test (14/4/2008)? (Total votes: 26)

A: 24%
B: 20%
C: 4%
D: 4%
E: 8%
S: 4%
U: 39%

haha yea so i guess the conclusion is....? go figure ^^ heh we didnt do that bad i guess :P but main thing is:


T.T booooo is that a good thing? haha coming from a mugger i guess its not a very good observation :P oh well nothing wrong with being mugger hor!! ><

byeeeee for now!! shall think of new poll soon :D

eileen <3 whoa!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:24 PM


I've uploaded my group's Atlantis pictures plus some random batch pictures. It can be found at the bottom right hand corner of the page. We're called "WADS up?" by the way. W stands for Wei Chang. A stands for Andy. D stands for Debbie. S stands for Steffi. Haha, so innovative right? :D

Anyway, the following pics are super old coz I never got about to uploading them.
This is the door gift just in case you all never got to see it. This was the door gift on the 1st day it was made. However, we realized that salt reacts with candle gel to produce a murky solution 1 week later. So in the end, the one that the seniors got was murkier :( I don't how the state of their candle is now.

Aiyee, unfortunately, we didn't manage to take photo of the zai program booklet.
This is Zijia hard at work :) Sorting all the alphabets for the door gift.

This is part of sai kang comm, with some random pub comm person inside :p
By the way, I'll be getting the white wristbands aka batch identity for you guys soon! I'll try to get the personalized ones if possible, no guarantee.

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, May 8, 2008 ' 11:48 PM

dragon boating

HEY YO 34th!

Our seniors are still waiting for confirmation from the sea sports club side, but the dragon boating's more or less cancelled as some organisation block booked the entire month. yeah. so dragon boating's put off indefinitely until perhaps the first week of the holidays! :)

jiayou for econs test!


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, May 7, 2008 ' 11:11 PM

First OAC 'training'

Today was the first official OAC 'training' session. Not really training.. more of games and fun. =)

So let me blog about it! =P We must keep this blog alive afterall~! So the point of today's training was for interaction between the seniors and the juniors. Even though we went through YL, got tekanned by the seniors and got to know them through it.. I guess there is a need to know them better through a fun way. =D

Anyway, we played basketball and captain's ball!! Some people played frisbee but the highlight was BASKETBALL! Afterall, it is the seniors' favourite game and also.. our dear CI was in basketball back in his old days in secondary school. We played roughly an hour of each sport.. and the juniors and seniors split themselves into two teams each and played against one another.

Well.. the juniors did well.. but the seniors managed to win, somehow. =P Then we ended off with a match of the 6 best seniors in basketball and 1 good player from the junior side and 5 loads. As many can guess.. our dear CI played extremely well and is a good example for us to follow.. sadly he had lousy teammates.. =S And the interesting point was that our tallest player, was only taller than their shortest player.. and shorter than the other 5. =X

We should go train our basketball skills then next time we can challenge them again. And WIN. >_< Or else we all grow taller suddenly so it will become more fair.

After the 'training'.. WHOA went out for dinner! Well.. only 10 people. 2 girls and 8 guys.. so the guys have better attendance! =) [note: zheng xian is counted as a guy for convenience] We had a fun time at KAP talking about.. stuff.. and also discussing a few.. stuff.. So Steffi and Zhen Rui will be looking for the white wristbands TOGETHER. (OMG! SCANDALOUS! Calean don't be jealous~)

Other stuff is better to discuss during our first General Meeting (GM)! But the date has not been confirmed, nor has the agenda been done up. =D

Additional stuff: Go think of what you want written on your personalised shirts! We are probably making personalised shirts for OAC! =) And also, we are getting OAC badges AFTER investiture, from what I eavesdropped/heard when the seniors were talking.. they are currently short of 2 badges for our batch. Scandals are piling up.. and FAST!

The family cycle is no longer a cycle, cause I don't think everyone needs a parent in the tree. Feedback from various sources has deemed the serious family tree that I did (ALL STRAIGHT RELATIONSHIPS) as not interesting, especially compared to the once-cycle-now-tree family tree. Thus, we will use the first draft of the family tree! Will make the file available to everyone ASAP.

Important news: KarMOON and Vector are doing very well! =D In the mornings and afternoons, Vector has KarMOON around him, and at night, KarMOON is like the moon, watching over Vector. There has been observations that Vector enters depression when it is a new moon or when the moon is blocked by clouds. That's all, from SCANDALICIOUS CHANNEL.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 8:34 PM

Nobody's blogging! :(

For all those who missed out on the exciting, informative and educational Tekong trip today, I can quite surely inform you that army= YLTC x 1000. from the dorm check to the company names (there's a company called apache!), the guys can spend 9 weeks away from the mainland reminiscing about the time they were oac trainees :) but at least in YLTC we don't have beds and blankets and pillows to worry about.in the army the openings of the pillowcases have to face the same direction and shirts have to folded in the same manner. scareeee...

i would have taken pictures but it wasn't allowed :( anyway they kept stressing to the guys that you must get at least a silver for napfa next year and to keep yourself fit while mugging for a levels. as for the girls... give your guy friends, brothers and sons (?!) in the army lots of support ;D

:) ok i shall end with a random joke. for all those studying for econs drq (whatever that is) jiayou! don't give up :)

A man took his pregnant wife to the hospital to give birth. The doctor told them that he'd developed a new machine and asked if they'd like to try it. The machine would take some of the woman's pain away and give it to the father thereby easing the mothers burden.

The couple thought it was a good idea and agreed to give it a try. The Doc set it on 10% to begin with, telling the man that 10% was still probably more pain than he had ever felt. The man was surprised at how little pain he was feeling and asked for it to be increased. The doctor turned it up to 20% with the same results. This trend continued until the machine was set at 100%.

After the delivery both mother and father felt fine. The wife was relieved at having an almost painless labor and the father was still amazed at how little pain was actually involved. Later, when they took the baby home, they found the mailman dead on their doorstep.

Posted by Prongs

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, May 4, 2008 ' 8:25 PM


    1 Red metal water bottle.

Please collect it from your CQM lifern. [or me, if i havent passed to lifern yet]

anyway atlantis was fun. I bet we all got shocked after reading the article about ppl fainting and suing and what not when eating the chilli ramen. And to think we all downed a bowl of 8 chilli soup.

next year must make sure atlantis is better!

[and all the best for the various tests tmr, and DRQ on friday]

- Jia Jun

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 5:58 PM

Atlantis 08'

YAY! (:

alantis 08' was FUN! (: of course, i have to thank my group for making it even more so, with our constant stopovers at valuemart, ntuc and various food outlets (SWENSEN'S ;P). hahas, see! food give you energy to pia from last to third! :DD ohh our unofficial group name is of course, LAXING AND SWENSEN'S hahas. check out our very random photos + batch (scandal)photos! :DD

jiayous for chem test tomorrow every one!


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, May 3, 2008 ' 10:13 PM

Post Atlantis

Hi guys! Sean here.

After a tiring day spent running around Singapore through the efficient system known as public transport, I hope everyone had fun today and got to know the people in your group better! Even though we continued the trend of a non-oac group winning first place, we should try to be gracious in defeat, no matter how indignant we may feel =\ Its about the process, not the end result XD From the hot springs to the 40 storeys to the meticulously frustratingly painstaking efforts we put in at the EsplanADE to the LEVEL 8 CHILLI SOUP we all downed (and some puked), I'm sure it was a whole bunch of new experiences all rolled into 10 hours.

To help everyone forget about the sad stuff, here's a list of good things that happened today.
1. We got to explore the new Changi Airport Terminal 3!
2. We had a sneak preview for NVM
3. We realised that super chilli isn't fatal, only nearly.
4. We got to enjoy hot spring water, albeit about 6 stations too early for maximal therapeutic benefit

5. We got to hone our phototaking skills
6. And lastly, we were able to familiarise ourselves with the North-South line!

About the debrief by the Atlantis comm just now, I felt that their words did have an element of truth in them. YLTC was supposed to teach us resilience in the face of adversity, and the various downers that we experienced are somewhat similar to all the tekan we received during yl, just not so physical in nature. All the random troubles we experienced can be said to be preparing us for life, and when life throws shit at you, smile and keep going! (or at least try to) 自强不息!

Excerpt from batch pledge: "Through the strength of minds and hearts" Did we display that today? Can we, in the future?

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, May 2, 2008 ' 9:18 PM


Hi people!

A bit late but then details for Atlantis tomorrow:

Venue: IMM Entrance
Time: 8am
Attire: Decide in your groups lah (Like a certain xenoob group wearing jumpstart shirt.. o.o)
What to bring:
  • Digital Camera
  • Bluetooth Phone
  • Stationary (pen/pencil)
  • Street Directory and/or Bus Guide
  • Umbrella (in case of wet weather)
  • EZ Link card (with at least $10)
  • CASH $$$$
  • IC (if you feel a need to bring it)
  • Brains! (Some exceptions to this item)

Be on time for the event! Don't be late.. -_-" Even though the meeting place is ALL THE WAY around Jurong East area. ALL THE WAY in the WEST.. which is good for the people living in ulu area like CCK as they take 30mins by bus at max only.........

But I am NOT complaining about the starting point.. seriously, I am not. =) Good luck everyone for Atlantis! Go Hamtaro~

On a side note, the family cycle has been done up nicely. Will be uploading it onto yahoo groups soon.. along with a nice story so that people will understand it better. The different scandals/relationships are colour-coded and even the lines are different for certain relations! Scandal comm is damn zai okay? Plus the nice 'heart' decor.. =)

Charlton~ Scandal Committee Head - Give me two names, I give you a scandal

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, May 1, 2008 ' 9:04 PM

love valerie!
more photos are up :D
scandals scandals (more like only zhenrui and calean's, and like maybe zhenrui and charlton x)


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

N Whisper-ed '

Talk to me ♥

N Whoa '

This is whoa ♥

HCI OAC Batch 34

N A poll~ '

How did you do? ♥

The best colour is..
See Results

N Our Batch '

N Our Archives '

N Entertainment '

Listen up ♥

N Credits '

Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes.whoa!♥
Codings : xx .
Cursors : x

N Photos '



Atlantis 08'
Atlantis08 -WADS up?