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.Monday, June 30, 2008 ' 8:03 PM

Hey 34th! I have something very impt here to announce!


haha its some youth blog competition, help vote for him.

go to : http://sgblogawards.omy.sg/finalists/?blogCat=youth

Help him vote k? Consider that he's part of our family due to some unusual relationship with a particular land chief of ours, that one who lives in the boarding school of course, vote for him if you don't wanna get murdered on the next land chief activity! (haha jk jk) Eh get your family, your friends, your pet, your whatever to vote lah :D


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, June 29, 2008 ' 9:08 PM

Heyy 34th! If you guys didn't read the yahoo groups email, here's an update on the invest stuffs.

  1. Invest date has been pushed back by a week, from 9th July to 16th July, cos snrs have some scholarship day on the 9th.
  2. Dates for invest preparation will be on the 9th, 11th, 12th. On the 9th we'll be doing dance practice, 11th we will be doing our performance, 12th (sat morning) we'll be doing everything, basically the dance, the performance and the pledge. And probably have a dry-run of the entire event.
  3. 13th-15th will be reserved for last minute chionging of stuffs if needed. Stuffs - deco, dedications, photo montage etc. Not confirmed yet, depends on whether we need them or not.
Basically these are the dates that we'll be doing invest stuffs, attendance is compulsory unless there's valid reasons! This is the last event we'll be having with the snrs, so we'll have to make it great and successful :)

Other miscellaneous stuffs:

  • There's a batch GM on 18th July, Friday.
  • QM day will be on 23rd July, Wednesday, if necessary, on the 25th too. Li Fern will update us on the info.
  • I will be uploading the batch pledge on the yahoo groups, take time to look at it k? Quite easy to memorise, will be better if the whole batch knows :)
  • Charlton has uploaded the dance formations for sundance, go take a look. Oh try to learn or get a rough idea of the dance, will be easier for you guys to learn it during the dance sessions. Dance partners are not reshuffled too.
  • Only 14 of you told me your shirt names, can tell me soon? The sooner we get the names the sooner we can send the shirts for printing, so send soon :D

Hope you guys had a good weekend :D


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, June 28, 2008 ' 9:39 PM

Front Back

Yoz yoz, here's the shirt designs from Karmun! Ha it's super good, thanks karmun :D
Posted by Picasa

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 6:35 PM

just for laughs [sorry sean!]

Guess what happened on our class outing today:

sean got his whole forearm stuck in the cinema seat's cup holder. thats the black ring around his elbow.
It got stuck for about 10minutes til he wiggled his way out. 

cost him a red patch around the elbow and tons of laughter.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, June 16, 2008 ' 10:05 PM

Picture from jiajun's blog. Cool right ? :D

Haha, i know only a few people will be reading this, but I'm too bored from mugging, so I'm here to blog!

Everyone mugging out there, don't mug too hard! Take care of your health and don't fall sick! Cos right after blocks it will be intensive invest sessions! Drink more water and sleep well!

Oh, and to those who are too bored, think of your shirt nickname! I'm collating now, so just send me a mail or sms to tell me what you want! Currently only 6 ppl told me what they want x.x pls be creative and try not to just put your name -.-

Uhh just one thing, regarding the gifts that you are supposed to give to your respective snrs, sherene said they should be personalised. Yep so other than preparing for invest after blocks, you may want to spend some time looking for gifts for the snrs.

Yeah thats all for now, happy mugging for blocks everyone!


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, June 11, 2008 ' 9:06 PM


hahahaa, north face photo!

spot my fingers! ;'D

my reflection journal! ;D
okays, i found the I MISS MY HOME'S TOILET part damn damn amusing

HAHAS, uhh we look very out of place in one of the temples near angkor wat
orange doesnt go with old monuments!

this place is really creepy

just read this, i cant bear to load the rest
if u want to see, go my blog and see it in shutterfly


people laxing on a dusty truck ;(

kidding kidding!

requires SKILL to stir!

jumpshots! (:



ooo, choco fondue ;D

i was in the sun okays ;(

DURIAN mangosten iced thingy? ;D

fertilized duck egg!
i ate a feather and bones! ;D

hahas, so loyal to hwachong!



the cambodian kids stole TWO of my joker cards ;(

food! (:

UNFORTUNATELY, valerie's cam died on the 5th day,
but i have SPAMMED 400+ photos.
if it didnt die, i am sure i can reach 1000 ;x
today's PT WAS DAMN FUN!
i suddenly like cardio room DAMN ALOT! (:

LOVE, valeriee

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ' 6:33 PM

Tree climbing in NZ!

As everyone knows, 3 OAC ppl went to NZ from 26may to 5june! Over there, we engaged in an activity most people don't do in singapore, tree climbing!

Combining air and land elements, OAC reached new heights in New Zealand!
Our aci starting us off =p
someone looks happy..maybe its cuz he's taller than alan for once!

heights maketh the philosopher =)
it's getting crowded..
spot the OAC! (apologies for the lousy image quality)

34th OAC: Scaling ever greater heights!

rmb batch meeting tmr! don't be late!

Sean~(who misses nz. but misses whoa more!)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, June 6, 2008 ' 12:12 AM

Yoyo! Here are more pics from bike hike!

This is Delta :)

& this is batch pic with umm... different lighting?

<3 Steffi

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, June 1, 2008 ' 3:27 PM

Yoz! For the benefit of those who couldn't make it to bike hike, it was a blast! Other than having the phobia of sitting on a bike (it hurts) and having major cramps all the way, I'm sure it was a great experience for everyone of us who went! Yeah basically we started cycling from East Coast Park to Lau Pa Sat, after that pass chinatown to tiong bahru park, then to the killer Buona Vista. After that was the awesome 99 corners, which was followed by KAP, then to Mandai, then to AMK and Hougang, before chionging to Tampines, then Pasir Ris, then Changi Village. Finally was the cycle-for-very-long-still-the-same-road back to East Coast Park. Basically it was around 100+km and everyone was basically burnt out by the end of the whole hike.

Haha, next year it will be our turn to organise! Everyone will be involved! (Yes, EVERYONE) :D

Ok I'm kinda high now although I only slept for 2 hours and couldn't sleep anymore. I bet the rest are sound asleep. Oh I didn't take many photos, so those who have more photos, pls upload :)


For those who wanna see what I have :D

Ok that's all. Have a good rest everyone :D And to those overseas, can you all come back quickly????

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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