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.Thursday, July 31, 2008 ' 4:27 PM

Hey everyone!

Investiture is over! Thanks everyone for helping out, I would say that the event was successful, although we didn't had time to perform out items. Sorry everyone that my laptop crashed yesterday.

Thanks Charlton, Sean, Jiajun and Calean for the poster, I saw it, it was BRIGHT :D

Thanks the 6P gang for making the invites, it looks great :D

Thanks the 4 others who sent out the sms invites and getting swarmed by random snr's comments :D

Thanks Fern and Charlton for being such great Dance I/Cs and emcees although both of the times you both were saboed by me :D

Thanks Jiajun, Kanzy, William and Karmun for the montage, it was really great, although it was kinda pro-comanches -.- I love the songs!

Thanks Logs comm for the decor, I really like the OAC thing with the snrs pics :D And the random balloon popping, I bet you guys planned it right? :DD

Thanks Progs comm, haha although we didn't do much, at least we got the programme and the script out right? :D

Thanks Items comm for putting in so much effort although you all didnt get to perform :( You can always perform to us if you all want :DD

Thanks the guys for doing the halo dragon pumping, special thanks to mav :DD

Thanks everyone who helped in one way or another, especially to Jeremy and Sheila for lending us their laptop :D

Yes we are invested!!! Haha i can see you guys wearing your badges proudly while i'm waiting for mine to come :D The badges look really cool!

Now that invest is over, our term has just begun. It's day 1 today! Jiayou everyone for the year ahead, we'll be going through a lot i guess. But for now just enjoy the feeling of being invested... and come for PT tml! 4.15pm!!!! :D

With Love,
Zhen Rui :)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, July 30, 2008 ' 11:15 PM

Investiture '08

Hi guys!

Thanks for EVERYTHING you all have done for Investiture! =)

Even though we ran into a little trouble with the invitation issue.. I guess it is a valuable lesson that we can all learn from. =X

Log comm - good job on the decor! Despite the.. usual balloon popping disaster that we also faced in YL Night, the constellations, wordings, board etc. were all very successfully completed. AVT is pretty big so decorating it is not exactly easy, so great effort! Also, thanks for handling the 'certificates'. =)

Prog comm - well.. we did not really follow much of the programme now did we? Certain things were dragged longer than expected so we had to cut off certain items. However, great job on doing the plan for the programme, and also helping to do the emcee script! =D

Item comm - haha.. there goes the item. sorry we had to cut out the item due to time constraints, but good effort before the event itself. And I must say that we had the most effective meetings compared to the other committees.. =P

Performers - thank you for putting the effort to practice and switch to the sudden changes. Sorry about having to cut your off due to time constraints.. don't worry, we will find ways to let your showcase your talents sooner or later!

Jia Jia, Karmun, Kanzy, William - A BIG THANK YOU for doing up the photo montage. It took up a lot of time.. haha. But it was pretty well done (apart from the many, many commanches photos) and I have to really commend you all for spending a lot of your time to do it.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with the (last minute) invitations:

The electronic, high-tech one.. o_O - the four people who helped mass send to the senior batch and then got swarmed with replies.. ><
The big invitation on super bright glossy orange vangard sheet that we pasted on to OAC bench - Calean for helping with letters, Sean and Jia Jun for pasting it, and someone from my OG whom I borrowed a marker from.
The personal invitations that sadly did not reach all the seniors - Renice, Debbie, Wei Chang.

Thanks to Fern for being co-MC and also co-dance IC.. =D Sadly we did not get to say all the cold, lame jokes but I guess that was a relieve too.. haha. The dance went well, I daresay, so now it is time to think of OUR batch's dance! =P

Thanks to Zhen Rui for making the arrangements with Sherene to settle the date for Investiture and also leading the batch in the pledge saying. But next time.. if we have to make a speech.. easier to do one speech and we split half-half. =D

Great job guys with the halo dragon pumping.. we can try out these MROC stuff or the 'special PT' on the next few PT sessions.. right? =)

Thank you everyone for tolerating with ME when learning the sundance and also tolerating my frustrations today over investiture. I would say the dance was not bad, although I could not see behind me very well... =P

Thanks to Jang and Sheila for lending their notebooks to us cause ours crashed without any notice.. o_O

Finally, WE ARE INVESTED! So wear your badges proudly people! Looking foward to continue working with everyone!

Love you guys just as much as I love myself,

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 10:34 PM


Invest time in Invest!

This must be one of the best days ever.

Despite all the initial hiccups, e.g:
  • laptop not working
  • balloons bursting
  • montage not ready
  • ultra late invitations
  • seniors not coming (?!?!)
Everything still went quite smoothly, in fact it went really well, if not for the fact that montage took way too much time.. and the items people dint get to present. Really sorry!.

just fyi. infact charlton had to do up a invitations poster this morning! during lessons, and sean and I collected it during recess to paste up at OAC bench. Bet none of you guys saw it LOL.

Really like to thank Karmun, Kanzy and william, for lots of help with the photo montage. Especially Kanzy, without whom the montage wont be successful at all. While I was like getting crazy over how to use the mac, it really helps to have a friend to help take some of the burden away.
Thanks to CQM lifern for getting the gifts for seniors
Thanks to renice also, for like tolerating my absence at dance session (i bet you were late anyway), and sorry for like messing up the dance steps every time.
Thanks to all the guys we finally completed the long awaited halo dragon pumping. Btw it can be found inside the PTI manual, with dongnanxibei in the center.
Thanks to of course the students council, for kindly lending us their laptops at such short notice.
And Thanks lots to everyone who actually remembered my bday. though singing loudly in macs at night isnt exactly very civilised haha.

Finally QMs can start our work, since we finally got our keys. Please be reminded that QM day is next wed.

all the best for the year ahead. Hope we can do a really good job with our own term!



edit: how do you suppose we send out the photo montage?

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 10:31 PM

Post invest investigation!

Hey guys, investiture is finally over~!

to everyone for the supremely hard effort you've put in over the past day/days/week in whatever you were doing, be it the constellations, putting up with learning sundance, cutting letters =) , doing up dedications or writing emcee scripts, or anything else I can't think of.. it was all worth it!! because...

We finally got our badges! woohoo~

sadly we didn't get to see a few people perform due to time constraints.. but there were other forms of entertainment.. as everyone can testify =\

nubby brown UNTIGHTENABLE XL shorts >( looks like s*** can..

but I'm thankful for you guys not laughing (too much) at me =S, and for being so coordinated during HDP~ looks like our teamwork is quite zai after all!

k I'm done with my streamofconsciousness post..for now!

love you all,


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, July 19, 2008 ' 9:39 PM


Hi guys! Today my class had GEMs so we did BAKING at Bugis there. So now I am an expert (cough cough) at oreo cheese cakes. =) Anyway, I designed my cake.. and I think it looks pretty well.. too bad none of your will be able to taste it.. haha. My family will be having it for breakfast.. and if I am still alive on monday, I guess that is good news.
Anyway, investiture is coming soon so work hard! =) Remember to buy the gifts for your respective seniors.. and be sure to take note of what you need to do. =P

Some pictures from long long ago. (like May or so =O)


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, July 11, 2008 ' 9:57 PM


okays i am officially so sorry to fern+charlton
i am really terrible at dancing
it makes me (generally) very emo
and hence i am not exactly the most enthu student
will try to a better student for you! :(

but jiayous with teaching us! (:
and good job so far!
will add oil!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, July 5, 2008 ' 12:03 AM

[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
[WHOA!<34] andy says:
yeah so cool!
[WHOA!<34] andy says:
at least i have a twin sister
[WHOA!<34] andy says:
who is 11 days older than me
[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
screwed aye
[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
andy didi! ;x omg
[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
so weird
[WHOA!<34] andy says:
eeu it sounds weird
[WHOA!<34] andy says:
haha valerie jiejie =P
[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
[WHOA!<34] valchew - says:
cough cough..
[WHOA!<34] andy says:
are u okay?

uhh, random convo between me and andy ;D
i asked him to kick his irritating brother after that
HA ;D I AM EVIL, but but andy didi (EEEEE) is evil too --"

[WHOA!<34] andy says:
im tinking if u had sblings they would most prob be malnourished


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, July 4, 2008 ' 10:02 PM

Investiture!! & stuff

Hi guys,

The dates for the rehearsal for sun dance are as follows:
9th July (wednesday)
11th July (friday)
14th July (monday)
22nd July (tuesday)

The exact timing will be confirmed later. But as of now, Investiture should be on the 23rd of July, Wednesday, as it was pushed back AGAIN due to.. reasons.

On a side note, the action plan for OAC will be out soon regarding the activities that will be happening. Chiefs please take note that your will have to organise your respective activities such as P&S or first aid so please start preparing. Please note that the dates are not confirmed on the action plan as there may be shifts here and there.

The batch identity will probably be sweat wristbands as rubber wristbands are almost non-existent.

There will be level 1 rock climbing on either the 26th of July or the 2nd of August, both are saturdays. Mr Ling is helping to organise this course, so the air chiefs can contact him to aid him in the organising of this course. It is probably on the 2nd of August though because that is the same day that tahan people are going for their level 1 rock climbing too.

Reminder that this monday there WILL be a OAC outing! Details will be out.. sooner or later.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, July 3, 2008 ' 10:42 PM


hey guys!!

the blog is kinda.....dead. oh well. i'm pretty dead too. sigh...

anywae i did 2 logos, and here's one of them:and the second one...

yup yup may not be that gd but i need some comments k!! and also like kinda choose which one u guys wanna use i guess... yup yup ^^ youthhhh dayyyyyyy'sssssssss coming upppppppppp!~ woooooooooooooo miss u guys no oac stuffs the whole weeeeeek la T.T sigh

eileen >< PTIs FTW!~

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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