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.Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ' 8:24 PM


as you all know, NVM rankings are up!

and Charlton's SICK timings make you want to slap him:
after running 11:28 for his morning run [thats already fastest in our batch], he went ahead to totally humiliate us with his second impromptu run with 10:32!!!
(Somebody kill him!)

here are our (no less powerful) batch heroes!
  1. Kanzy {11:30}
  2. Jia Jun {11:40}
  3. William {12:03}
  4. Wei Chang {12:14}
  5. Pei Yit {12:19}
  6. Raphael {12:20}

Just if you were wondering:
your numbers:
Calean: 006
Weichang: 007
Kanzy: 008
William: 009
renice: 010
peiyit: 011
zhengxian: 012
peirong or sharlene: 013
fern: 014
sharlene or peirong: 015
eileen: 031
Mav: 032 (i think?, or was david faster than you?)
David koh: 033 (him or mav??)
raphael: 034
zijia: 035
Jia Jun: 061
Shihuan: 062
Sean: 063
Steffi: 064
Valerie: 065
Andy: 096
Zhen Rui: 097
Linette: 098
Debbie: 099
Jas: 100
the rest: i dono the number cuz you took your tag off before i took your pict :P
[feel free to edit the number if im wrong!]

Timings Here

whoa rox!

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 6:32 PM

OH is over! =)

I know that this comes a little late.. but OH is now over.. and it is time for YL! =)

Firstly, I would like to thank the OH comm for organising the whole event: Debbie, Sharlene, Valerie & Maverick.

Games comm for planning out all the games.

Logs comm for working with me to ensure that we had the needed logistics.. (although some person's bag was happily left at Changi Jetty. :P Let's not mention names.. haha)

Programmes comm for doing up the camp booklet.. even though we did not give it out in the end.

Campfire comm for trying to get the juniors (and maybe seniors) high during campfire.. and those who went to soak firewood. The campfire would not have been successful without the fire. =D

GIs for taking care of the groups especially during the camp itself.

Rovers - game ICs for helping to host the games for the groups to play. Those at the campsite who helped out with setting up of tents etc. and just stoning and looking after stuff. (sadly only I got to see the FLYING tent.. haha)

Bah.. just thanks to the whole batch lahhh! =D The attendance of J1s did not matter.. the point was that we made it fun for those that came, fun for us and most importantly we enjoyed ourselves in the course of organising this event. =)

Let's woooork harder for YLTC!


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, February 14, 2009 ' 8:58 PM

emo kids

after getting stressed up about OH!
[zhenrui should thank me for pushing his photos down LOL]

orange in the center

- Jia Jun

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:15 PM

Our dear CI/ ACI :DD

dont get nightmares! :[


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, February 12, 2009 ' 10:12 PM

Envy and Enmity, Pride and Prejudice

(Disclaimer: All opinions expressed below are purely the writer's own, and are to be taken with a pinch of salt.)

As most of you should know (if you spend any of your time at OAC bench), we have recently received notes from a shadow entity imploring us to sacrifice our bench for the greater good of the increased number of classes/juniors.
The basis of the arguments presented are outlined below.

Premise 1: We are the only CCA with a bench, anomalies should be corrected.
Premise 2: Despite us having the privilege of our own CCA bench, we are not making use of it, and hence ostentiably do not deserve it.
Premise 3: Bearing the above rationale in mind, along with the fact that our junior batch is the supposeded largest in Hwachong history (hooray for IP.), we should therefore relinquish ownership of our bench to a random junior class(es).

Instead of wasting mental energies picking out logical leaps and crafting incisive counterarguments, I implore all of you to:

We should take better care of what IS rightly ours, and not allow the detractors and deplorable dolts to defy our solid sovereign settlement!
P.S. Those who wish to read the original copies of the notes may find them in several crumpled pieces scattered on the OAC bench.

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, February 8, 2009 ' 9:46 PM

National Vertical Marathon (:

good job everyone!

This is the thing we climbed :DDD
60 stories of it. uber intimidating :x

[i somehow resized it to fit this box
but it looks funny
just click on it to get the nice one (: ]

games thing
the oac guys were busy attacking domo-kun
or, playing frisbee :O
or mugging econs ._.

psst! i really want to go for the hot yoga free voucher in it!
PTI PTI! :DD -sean, i know u are reading this [again] (:
ps: eileen DEAR <-- not forced to say this. really[o.O] WILL YOU PLEASE stop poking me :(
-come on, i rock, my upload speed is like, imba (:

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, February 4, 2009 ' 9:58 PM

"hello, are you interested in OAC?"


everything somehow worked together really well.

The balloons attracted attention. [the people folding balloons also, plus it gave the impression that oac doesnt just do outdoor activities, we're also fun]
The banner identified us. super impt. Big "OAC" word there.
The forms and boards and brochures were super useful. everything was really good. lol. just kept giving them away, and referring to them.
The people were hardworking! lots of people were talking. even william was pulling his scouts juniors. (lets not say what happened to kenny). And the ppl who walked around also! I think we've got quite a huge attendance for oh.

Thanks to everyone who put in effort. thanks esp to zijia for bearing with my shortcomings (and doing almost everything). and kanzy for montage. valerie for the forms, last minute putting up posters, and walking around getting juniors, karmun for banner design. Banner comm, Boards comm, Balloons comm, Booth Comm. <-- these ppl really had a hand in the OH. Raphael for balloon pump. Charlton for laptop. Renice for balloons contact.
and basically everyone, even those who dint turn up.

cant wait for ohike.

- Jia Jun

[no photos.T_T]

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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HCI OAC Batch 34

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Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes.whoa!♥
Codings : xx .
Cursors : x

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Atlantis 08'
Atlantis08 -WADS up?