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.Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ' 10:17 PM

Here's YLTC in retrospect ;) Yep, just in case you want the soft copy of the group pic in YL booklet. Juniors have the Cherokees photo le.



Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, March 27, 2009 ' 5:46 PM


<3 valerie

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, March 23, 2009 ' 7:18 PM

What blocks?

If we somehow all bomb blocks/prelims/A's,
we can always form some random outdoor activity organisation that organises camps and the like for kids and youth all over Singapore/the region/the world!
or maybe we mass join obs oO
Ok wishful thinking... But its a thought, yeah? Who gives a damn about blocks? Not us!

Good luck (for those who want it) for Chem! And more luck for Bio.. and not forgetting the lone geogger and historian. =O


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 1:38 PM

Are you a saikang god?

Especially for the advance party, see if this describes your experience =D
Scroll down to find it =D

FYI mou is the creator of the pti book, fittingly he's now a BMT instructor =o


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, March 22, 2009 ' 3:28 PM

Hey are all of you damn sian of ubin already? Cos seeing as how comanches '09 managed to find all of 1 checkpoint during the entire landex, comanches'08 has decided to bring them back to ubin one day and I was wondering if land chiefs should organise one for the batch as well. If not for 34th than at least for 35th then you guys can tag along or something cos I think some ppl are stil not too sure of how to get around then just smoke through landex... :P

Or we can have a hiong-like-siao land-sea-air collaboration. Go rock climbing than trek to kallang and kayak to ubin for landex XD

Ok lah that last part was joking. But I think the ubin thing will be quite fun leh. We'll all be on bikes for one. So it'll be much faster getting around and it's not a stay over thing so we can eat REAL food for once like seafood hor fun instead of 3-pieces-of-bread-smashed-into-1 with tuna. And it's also practice for BIKE HIKE.

Or if you still find it boring than we don't have to go around ubin. We can check out the new mountain bike trails. They look pretty cool. And that's also practice for BIKE HIKE.

Sorry. Too much influence from zx. Yah lah so that's the plan. Feedback?


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 2:14 PM

Hello 34th,

YLTC 09 is finally over and we only have 2 major events left. Though the time we spent together is short (like barely a year), I know that the batch is very precious to me. I don’t know whether it is true for everyone, but OAC has kind of been my pillar of support during the bad times and my source of joy during the good times.

YL 09 reminded me of the times we spent together s a batch in YL 08, allowing me to reminisce.
I found myself desperately trying to find my old self in the juniors, and also to find memories of YL08 at places where we did pt, rollcalls and so on. All the happiness, regrets, excitement, they kind of came back to me.

I am not a easy person to work with (I know how I am like) and I really would like to thank everyone for tolerating me and accepting me for who I am, as well as say sorry to those people that I have cause misery to (probably many of you guys). =]

To the CI, Zhen Rui: Thanks for being so easy-going and being a responsible CI when it comes to work and a wonderful friend when it comes to play. Thanks for all the hard work you have put in to make YL 09 a great camp.

To our ACI, Charlton: Like Zhen Rui, thanks for putting in loads of time and effort in making the camp a successful one, and thanks for always putting OAC as the top priority in your life. Thanks for putting up with my constant absence (due to harmoc practices) and my weird mood swings.

To our secretary, Steffi: Thanks for sacrificing your mugging time to work on the YL booklet and also dedicating lots of the time to OAC. Thanks for being a wonderful friend who always accompanies me to the toilet and does random stuffs with me when you are so busy with OAC stuffs.

To our treasurer, Weichang: Thanks for putting so much effort in dealing with all the accounts and also being such a wonderful friend. Shawnees sentry had been spastic with you around. Thanks for putting up with my mood swings too.

To our CQM, Lifern: As the leader of the Saikang Warriors, thanks for working so hard for logistics and stuff until you give up on studying for blocks all together. Thanks for all your efforts and also thanks for bringing much joy and laughter when you start niao-ing Renice Loh about random stuffs.

To our guy QM, Jiajun: Thanks for doing so much saikang (especially all those that involves carrying heavy stuffs) cause you are the only guy QM. Thanks for being so spastic and bringing us joy when you kena niao-ing. Sorry for being such an inefficient fellow QM.

To our cute QM, Sharlene: Thanks for being there with me when Lifern and Jiajia weren’t around. Thanks for all the efforts you put in for YL 09 and for being such a wonderful chatting buddy when we were all =/ after packing all the land ex stuff. =]

To our female PTI, Law: Thanks for being such a fun loving fellow Shawnees and for bullying the juniors (especially Kenn) with me. Hohoho. Thanks for putting up with my constant mood swings. I am kind of sorry for not being awake for our last sentry with Shawnees. Also, thanks for being your spastic act cute self! =]]]

To our male PTI, Sean: Thanks for being my twin and allowing me to spam pictures of you. Thanks for being such a nice person and helping the QMs although you are a GI. Thanks for cheering me up and talking to me when I am bored. =] And also for using the same font and font colour as me!

To Calean: Thanks for putting so much effort doing up all the programmes and stuffs for YLTC and also for accompanying me to school and back home when there are camps and stuffs. Sorry for pangsehing you on Fri. Also thanks for being such a nice mummy!

To Zhengxian: Thanks for being constantly on l duty and staying in ops room and missing out on all the stuffs and yet not complaining. Thanks for being there with Renice and me on Fri and also doing it alone when we went to buy food. Also, thanks for being so happy-go-lucky and funny and for bringing joy to all of us. =]

To Andy: Thanks for helping us do all the random stuffs and lending me your Chemistry notes. Hahaha. I am glad you remembered all the names during dragon rollcall. Thanks for being such a good listener when I have stuffs to say and for being such a good friend. =]

To Debbie: Sorry for my constant mood swings (PMSing) and I must have scared you. Thanks for putting up with my mood swings. Also, thanks for being such a zai FA chief and a high GI to Shawnees, helping them zi-high and everything and also taking care of them. =]

To Raphael: Although you didn’t go for YL, thanks for being such an inspiring character in OAC and for being who you are cause you really bring lots of laughter to me when you talk about weird and random stuffs that I can’t seem to understand. Thanks for talking to the Nava juniors about OAC and I could see a bit of change in them after their meet ex session. =]

To Peirong: Thanks for going to the toilet with me every time I ask you to go and for being such a fun person to be with. Thanks for putting in so much effort for OAC and writing the batch pledge for us (though it was one year ago). Thanks for putting in much effort for land ex and
night walk.

To Shihuan: Thanks for coming back after H3 despite the tiring lessons and staying overnight despite having lessons the next day. You shout damn loud seriously. I think I was quite shocked at first.

To Karmun: My fellow Jiamin. =] thanks for being so high all the time and mugging with me on the first day. Thanks for zi-highing with me about our names and giving me food. Thanks for being a high rover to Shawnees and taking care of them during pre-camps and YL itself.

To Kanzy: Thanks for being a zi-high rover with me and I think sentry wouldn’t be as fun without you. Thanks for being one of the members of advanced party (poor shoes though). Thanks for all the efforts put in to zi-high with Nava and for being retarded with all the time. =]

To Peiyit: Thanks for being such an inspiring character at YL and thanks for putting in so much effort in YL despite your busy schedule. Thanks for staying with Shawnees for land ex despite having H3 lessons and also being such a nice GI to them. Thanks for putting up with all the retarded things I do. =]

To Valerie: Thanks for being such an important friend to me all the time and thanks to accompanying me everywhere. Thanks for putting up with all my mood swings and also zi-highing with me when we were bored. Thanks for constantly spaming pictures (making me seem less odd taking pictures all the time. Thanks for everything that you did for me. Seriously, I would have died if you weren’t around for me. =) Love you loads.

To Linette: Thanks for coming back despite having H3 and activity participating in recre comm stuffs. Seriously, you are damn zai in scolding. =] Thanks a lot for all the efforts put in despite being busy with lessons.

To Maverick: Thanks for being such a zi-high person and also for constantly singing random songs. Thanks for talking to me when I am bored and for doing all the spastic things you do.

To Zijia: Thanks for coming back for YL despite having H3 and trying your best to bond with Nava. Thanks for being such a nice GI and caring for their welfare and also for being such a nice friend to me. Thanks for all your efforts in bonding Nava! =] And also for being the normal one in Nava. (I would have died of spastic-ness without you neutralizing all the spastic things William and Kanzy does.)

To Renice: Thanks for being such a good friend and helping me when I was in trouble. I feel quite bad cause you missed the last MROC because of me. Sorry. Thanks for putting up with all my weird mood swings and for being such a niao-able character in OAC, always bringing joy and laughter to us. Thanks to trying to make Nava high during sentry duty with ex and for everything that you did for me.

To William: Thanks for being spastic during land ex and for making Nava more enthu and high during land ex. Thanks for all the lame things that you said cause they kept me high and stuff. Thanks for asking the juniors weird and random questions during sentry, making it more interesting and also for tolerating all the stupid stuffs I did.

To the batch, WHOA: Sorry to the batch for constantly absent from OAC GMs and PT sessions and also my random mood swings. Thanks for being such a wonderful batch and supporting each other along the way. Thanks for all the efforts in making YL 09 a successful one. Thanks for the wonderful performance during campfire and we wouldn’t have done it without the hardwork of the batch and I hope that we can continue working hard as a batch for the rest of the activities that has yet to come and I promise that I will put in more effort in OAC.

Thanks for all the sweet sweet memories.

I love WHOA!

Forever 34th OAC. <3333

P.S. Can we take a batch photo soon? We forgot about it during YL.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, March 21, 2009 ' 9:00 PM


I miss YL'08 :(

So I shall now present to you the best group of YLTC'08! (in my opinion...)

Comanches loves GIs and Rovers...

...and Exes too!

Apa Puaka GIs &amp; ZX
ZX so cute :D

And so niao-able

Starting to miss seniors too leh :( During our ubin session I realised how much I miss being a trainee.Bleah.So self tekan right? But anything's better than blocks actually.Haiz. GG liao.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:53 PM

Can't wait for YLTC'10~

Ello 34th! =)

Great job through the whole of YLTC'09! Having to keep up with my evilness and all everyone has really done a great job and pulled through to make YLTC'09 a memorable experience for the juniors and also for us seniors. =)

CI Zhen Rui (blue ink!), thanks sooooo much for lasting the whole YL with me. =D As a fellow SKB.. it's time for us to up to SKII soon and leave any potential SKers behind! =) Also thanks for working so hard on our pretty pretty action plan and proposal that constantly went through major revisions and doing up the whole v1 for action plan. Alot of stress.. =P But we somehow managed to pull through..

Calean!!! (red ink) Doing up the proposal for YLTC definitely isn't easy.. and chasing the chiefs for their proposals must have been really hard. =P Thanks for always being there to help out and staying back after pre-camps so that I have someone to talk to on the bus trip home. =)

Stuffy Steffi! The booklet was very well done.. =) It is one of the physical takeaways for the juniors and I am sure they will treasure it very much just as I treasure my booklet from YLTC'08.

Wei Chang!! Thanks for taking care of all that money during YL.. and you must feel significantly poorer now that most of it have been spent off. =D Also thanks for always rising up to the occasion to help take the lead whenever needed. =)

Fern, Jia Jun, Shar, Jas, tanking all the logistics, the packing etc. have been really hard work on your. But your pulled through well and deserve lots of rest after YLTC! =)

Recre comm Pei Yit, Linette, Calean, Fern & Mav.. standing tall.. er.. with the help of stairs, thanks for always being up there talking to the juniors and reminding them on their mistakes etc. Though I think we could have been fiercer.. >< But I am sure that we all tried our best to try and instill discipline into the juniors!

Wei Chang and Kanzy, thanks for coming out to help recre out. =) Also thanks for joining the guy dorm I/Cs with dorm checks etc. Sadly your were too tall to be in recre comm.. =P

Pub comm Zijia, William, Raphael, Renice, Sean, Kanzy, from banner design, morning announcement, registration forms.. your have put in alot of effort behind the scenes to try and make YL more aware to the J1s. =) I cannot thank your enough for your efforts.. =D

GIs, working close with the juniors must have been tough on your. =D Your have done a fine job in guiding the juniors and I am sure that they have learn something from the example that your set for them.

Rovers, we are the best of the best out there! =)

Advanced party kanzy and jia jun.. well.. your have done NP people proud. =D Being the only batch from the 32nd to 35th with NP people inside I must say that we NP people really are imba! Next time take better care of your shoes.. and as promised I will join your the next time we need an advanced party! =)

Shawnees GIs & Rovers.. BEST GROUP! =D I had lots of fun working with your.. going through debrief after debrief with them.. staying back after pre-camps to get shawnees more motivated and to work on their roll call.. singing the dedication tune to them after YL'09.. Your have really put in alot of effort into making shawnees what they are today! Next time (if they remember to invite us).. let's go out and play with them!!

Nava GIs & Rovers.. STONE GROUP! Haha.. it's not completely bad to be stone I guess.. but your have really put in alot of effort to get Nava more high and active. =) Thanks for taking care of the Nava juniors.. hopefully the tradition of being quiet stops in 2009. =D

Bio H3 people Linette, Pei Yit, Zijia, Huan.. Thanks for coming back for YL despite your busy March holiday schedule due to Bio H3. =) Your returns to YL have really helped us alot in the running of our camp! =D

Shawnees '09 Your have really done us proud! =) Growing stronger and stronger from pre-camp 1 till the last day of YL day 5.. I hope that your can continue to hold on to the bonds that keep your together. Be united.. and don't forget.. SMOKED CHICKEN!

Nava '09.. Haha.. we can have a meet ex sometime to do all the stuff your missed out on due to the lack of time. =) But I am really glad to see your grow through YL and become more bonded as a group.. to the point that your develop telepathy and lose the purpose of talking. =D

WHOA <34.. we have really grown as a batch.. be it physically or mentally. Let's keep this momentum going and make our next 2 events fun and enjoyable for us and for the participants! I am really proud of our performance during campfire.. and I thank everyone for putting in so much effort for YL. =) Thanks for the care and concern your gave to me and to others.. YLTC'09 is definitely not possible without us.

Anyway.. let's find a time to build a perfect structure as a batch. =) One that is big, nice, and extremely solid! Also.. since only 4 of us went down to rock climb with the juniors and only 1 of us actually climbed.. let's have a rock climbing session with the juniors (after elections)! Lastly.. who wants to go down on the 28th of March to go kayaking when the juniors have their second day of 1-star kayaking? =D


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 12:31 PM

Hey guys. I'm really glad to have gone through yltc'09 with all of you. The experience was really different as an instructor :) With every activity, every event, I never fail to take away life lessons from working with my batchmates and I'm glad this time around, it was no different.

I think other than the physical trainings and activities in OAC, everything else you learn can be summed up in cheesy, over used little one-liners. One for all and all for one. It's the journey not the outcome. Sacrifice for the group etc. etc. and sometimes it gets lame but...gosh I don't know how to put it without sounding even cheesier. If you don't experience it for yourself, you will never know the true meaning of these phrases no matter how often you use them.

Mmm...I remember I was extremely frazzled during nighthike because we didn't have much time to prepare or do a proper briefing for both seniors and juniors and when we went to put the lightsticks and clues shihuan zx and sean couldn't stop playing and wasting lightsticks -____-||| But later as I watched the juniors having fun in their own carefree manner, oblivious to the trials and tribulations behind the preparation of the activity (which included a theiving little boy and his mother :@), and the seniors playing around in their own retarded way, I realised that that's what it was supposed to be. It wasn't planned and executed to perfection but everyone was happy and having fun together and that was what it was supposed to be. Yup. That was my revelation. You can plan and plan and try your best and still not achieve what you set out to complete. But if you stop to smell the flowers, you might just discover something better. See, cheesy again. But that's what it meant to me and thank you WHOA and juniors for teaching me that :)

I can't speak for everyone, but from the few senior's (as in 33rd) blogs I've read and from my own experience, I guess some of us were trying to relive our own YL experience through the juniors. For me, every precamp, MROC, rollcall and dorm check was a desperate link back to YLTC'08 which was the single event that has made the biggest impact on my life so far. So I was horribly, horribly disappointed with the junior's performance yesterday and with the general atmosphere among the juniors at the end og YLTC yesterday. I'm sorry if I'm bringing the mood down and I really think we tried and did our best but I can't help but wonder if their lack of batch spirit has anything to do with us :(

I mean up till the end the batch would still have frontmen struggling with flags while trying to get tasks done while the rest of the batch continued on oblivious to their batchmates. And after talking to cherokees and a few apaches, the general consensus from them was that the final MROC was just another tekan session that was a little bit more hiong. I dunno. To me, MROC was THE turning point, the moment of complete and utter clarity that I need my batchmates. That I am nothing if not for them. I was crying and shaking so badly not so much from the pain but from the awareness of the extent of my own folly and selfishness. Maybe I was being too emotional. But I was hoping that the juniors would feel just a smidgen of that emotion and I'm not sure they did. And their cheering and singing was just passive, repetitive and forced.

Gah. I'm sorry I'm being so negative. Mood swing. I'm happy now :D

34th, I think we did so, so well for this event. This is where we started out as trainees and now, again, this is where we are today. We really are standing at the beginning with one another and there aren't many oportunities in life where you can say that. Thank you for you. You've made me a better person and even when I get back my Us for math and history blocks, I can say that you have taught me more than any book, any teacher, any formula can.

Forever 34th OAC.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 10:20 AM


HEY 34TH!!!

YLTC'09 is finally over!!! Really glad that everyone put in their best through these 5 pre-camps and 5 days of YLTC, without all of you guys, YLTC'09 would not have been possible! There's a lot of people who I want to thank, so let's start now (:

ACI CHARLTON, my favourite SKB who has been with me through thick and thin throughout the whole of my term, especially during YL this year. Your tireless effort of editing my error filled proposals and making sure the forever blur me do not forget impt reminders and deadlines definitely has helped me out lots! Though we faced lots of stress from the changes of events, problem of classroom, seniors etc, but we have pulled through!!

CALEAN, the programme comm i/c who has pretty much tanked the whole programme yourself with charlton and i, and we are pretty sure we didn't choose the wrong person to do the job! Lol to our imba proposals that goes up the 8 versions, 35 pages, plus all those random changes to the events, late nights rushing and editing the proposals, YLTC without you would not have ran so smoothly i'm sure!!

SECRETARY STEFFI, your booklet never fails to amaze me, every single page of it comes from your hardwork (in between your mugging time xD). Not forgetting the imba minutes during the meetings or facing random changes to the booklet, you handled them well!

CQM LI FERN & QMS JIAJUN, SHARLENE, JASMINE, you 4 are definitely one of the most impt people in yl, all the logistics planning, the food collection, packing of logistics in the middle of the night, rushing for kitchen duties, all the hardwork that not many saw during the whole camp, thanks a lot!!

RECRE COMM, LINETTE PEIYIT CHARLTON CALEAN MAVERICK LI FERN, you guys are probably the heart of the camp, you guys conducted those recre sessions really well, yltc wouldn't have been possible without your scoldings and reminders to the juniors, though you guys were fierce throughout the camp, I'm still pretty convinced that you guys are my sweet and friendly batchmates xD

TREASURER WEI CHANG, lol no one else will want his job actually, holding on to that huge amount of money/ lack of money, chasing ling/getting chased by ling for all the money needed for the camp! Imao who can forget your rise to become the imba scolding machine, i bet no one from YLTC'09 will forget your "see that tree over there? go touch and come back" xD

PAWNEES GIs & ROVERS, SEAN STEFFI LINETTE, pawnees might not have emerged as the best group, but they are an imba and sweet gang! Especially sean and steffi who has put in so much effort despite the dismal attendance during pre-camps, pawnees definitely has done you proud!

APACHES GIs & ROVERS, RAPHAEL CALEAN JIAJUN EILEEN, you 4 definitely have been through the most throughout the camp, apaches has grown a lot under your guidance, esp derek!

GIs of all groups, you guys spent the most time with the juniors, though they might not have turned out as we wanted them to be, your guidance have made most of them learnt something from yl and grew to become a better person! Thanks!

ROVERS, ohmygawd we pwn! Haha, actually we pretty much did nothing until Ubin, but we were imba in sending logs here and there! xD

ADVANCED PARTY JIAJUN KANZY, lol land ex would not have been possible without you 2, and the experience you guys had there definitely brightened our day there xD Thanks so much for your efforts, go get a new pair of shoes though xD kidding!!!

PAWNEES '09, not sure how many of you will commit to OAC, but all 4 of you has done me proud by being such a active and impt part of OASIS, being so high while your GIs and ROVERS may seem boring at times xD

APA '09, i take back all my comments during the pre-camps, the 4 of you really really grew a lot, learning how to take setbacks and problems to your group, being so responsible to your other groupmates, all i can say is that your exes are proud of you guys (:

BIO H3 LINETTE PEIYIT SHI HUAN ZIJIA for making the effort to come down for yl despite your tiring imba tutorials and lectures, i have nothing to say but thanks to you guys (:

WHOA 34TH OAC, i dunno what to say, but we certainly have grown a lot since YLTC last year. yl'08 brought us together, yl'09 brought us even closer together. From the start of YL to the end of it, we pulled through every obstacle we have together, especially during that faithful campfire night. I'm very thankful of the support that everyone of you has given to me, i could not have done anything without you guys (: Though yl is now over, i'm sure we'll still have a bright future as a batch together.

2 more events to go, come on WHOA, we can definitely do a great job!

zhenrui (:

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, March 20, 2009 ' 9:33 PM

yltc is finally over..

YLTC 2009 was a gigantic success. and gotta thank lots and lots of people.

CQM ANGLIFERN, plus fellow qm SHARLENE and JASMINE. qms are the most imba saigang warriors on the planet. and after successfully tiring and surviving through this YL, im proud to say that we've finally transcended into the realm of saigang gods. Our breaks never last more than 1, 2 hrs, and we work nearly the whole day, the whole 5 days. doing all the stupid saigang logistics. having to always walk to poolside to collect lunch. MISS most of the mroc and other activities. last minute go out to buy food for SUPPER and LAND EX and etc. kitchen duty everyday. At least you can be quite sure that juniors know who we are. qms rock.

KANZY fellow advanced party who got his shoes gnawed and mawed even worse than mine. we got to see imba clear skies and sleep in the bball court, plus experience imba saigang god experiences. PLUS thanks for tanking impromptu junior sabo campfire item together. knew i could count on you :P.

CALEAN RAPHAEL EILEEN for making apa rock so much. They really grew alot, esp derek imo. though they were small they really did give their all. like energizer batteries like that. even though raphael wasnt here much, but they all remember you and the laughter you bring LOL. and calean who had to tank everything, and not get demoralised by group strength.

VAL and MAV. comanches 09 gis. guides to the best spirited group! (and imo still best group though). thanks to you all and your zihighing and leadership styles, comanches could be bonded so closely to each other. (then again as best group they would prob have done it with other gis anyway HAHA)

COMANCHES '08! WE ROCK AND WE PWN AND WE OWN. we have successfully passed down the imba qiang-ness of the comanches spirit. with such imba and enthu ex-es, comanches 09 no doubt has to become imba also. cant wait for the meet ex!

ZHENGXIAN! and ANDY! and the rest of WHOA!. campfire item is over! and zhengxian is zai, very loud during dragon rollcall. and normal rollcall was good also. and andy was the lucky guy who seniors random called out to replace steffi for dragon rollcall. then i realised i dint really need to prac the absentees so much, cuz i holding flag LOL. but zhengxian and andy were imba.

THIRTY FOURTH BATCH. WHOA. for organising YL so well. esp the EXCO who tanked so much in the bkgd, for all the late nights that ppl dont really know about. so many memories of 2008. YLTC this year is finally over and successful. lets look forward to a great term, and whatever comes beyond that, together.

- Jia Jun

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ' 9:53 PM

Good luck for blocks!

Hi people..

Good luck for blocks! =)

Jiayou and work hard.. and don't forget about YL. =)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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Listen up ♥

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Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes.whoa!♥
Codings : xx .
Cursors : x

N Photos '



Atlantis 08'
Atlantis08 -WADS up?