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.Sunday, May 31, 2009 ' 8:15 PM

Bike Hike 2009

Hi guys!!! First to post after bike hike. =D

Great job on bike hike 2009! =)

I would like to thank the following people for all their hard work and dedication..

@Main Comm: Your tanked soooo much for this event and without your planning, this event would not be possible. Thanks for coordinating the batch so well and conducting so many briefings and meetings. Also, good job in searching out for the Singapore Book of Records plus thinking of a solution to handle the sudden leap in number of participants.. =P

@Log Comm: HAH! We are ZAI! Collating particulars was not under our job scope originally but we managed to handle it in the end.. although there were mistakes here and there in the list. (not entirely our fault though) Our presence at Tiong Bahru CC during the packing of stuff was definitely a great help.. especially since our whole comm went down! xD

@Pub Comm: Great job with the event booklet!! Although Steffi 'editted' it but then your sure did put in alot of effort in the contents etc and the designing of the whole thing. =)

@Photography Comm: Err.. Great jobs taking photos. Upload them! Haha.

@FA Comm: The first aid kits were packed.. finally. Haha. But then some groups did not even need to touch thiers in the end, luckily. =)

@Karmun: My one and only zai daughter!! Tanking all the various designs like T-shirt and banner.. without you the whole event would be designless and extremely plain.

@Li Fern: Okay lah.. you handled the certs well. =D B.A.R. (Believe Alex Result)

@Alex: You most probably might not see this.. but thanks for guiding us through the event. =) Your guidance was definitely important and helpful throughout the whole thing and thankful for everything.

@35th instructors: Thanks for coming to help out as assistant instructors! Hope it was a good learning experience for you all.. =P

@Yongkai: Team Charlie would fall apart without you! Great job being pointman for the WHOLE hike even though it should have been me. xD So proud of you for managing to remember the route in just the 2 recces that you came for..

@Team Beta (Bravo lah..): Being the only group without a senior helping out.. I'm sure it was hard on your especially with the J2s in your group. =) Great job handling the group on your own and also managing to lead your group through the whole route successfully despite slips here and there.

Okay lah.. let's just end it here.. the next segment is also very important stuff that I noticed during my trip!!

Anyone noticed this road? =D It is a very important road that you will pass by when heading for Kovan Macs. Even though few groups managed to do so for the main hike.. this road is nonetheless.. IMPORTANT!

See this curb.. it has a caution sign over it.. wonder why? ;)

YES! Because it is the deadly curb that I flew over during the main comm recce! See on the left side of the picture? There is a bit of the NJC gate there.. hahaha. The people finally realised that the curb was dangerous and placed a 'caution' sign where it is. =D

[edit] removed =D [/edit]

Anyway.. weirdly.. I'm not tired after this bike hike.. haha. Recces were more tiring. =D I guess all those recces really did help!! =) Proud holder of 5 recces + 1 for main event! Tied for top with ZX, Andy, Pei Yit aka bankai sensei. Haha.

Rest well everyone! Great job for bike hike 2009.. and thanks for making our last major event so enjoyable. =) Now we have left kids' camp and FOS (and attending investiture). So let's make the best of the remainder of our term... so who wants to go for NJC or the NUS ODAC competitions?? We need girls to take part!! Haha.

Charlton!! (yohz)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, May 30, 2009 ' 1:45 PM


34th we can do it!!! let's make our last event an imba one!!!!

aja aja fighting!!!!

can't wait for bike hike :)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, May 11, 2009 ' 10:30 PM

H3 math sux.x

I don't know why I am blogging.. I guess I am just bored and cause I have no where else to blog but here cause I shut down my blog for fun. o.o


Okay.. got that out.. sigh. BIKE HIKE is coming soon le.. for those who have been going for recces / gone for 1 recce.. it has been quite fun right? =D I find that it is more taxing mentally than physically bah.. haha.. --> keeping awake. ><

But as Alex told me when I had HTHT with him at Bukit Gombak.. o.o "I think you have grown stronger since the 1st recce" [1st recce refers to the bike hike comm recce hor] We will slowly become better with each recces so for those that are having trouble now.. don't worry too much!

I think everyone can go trace the route using your street directories. =) It will help your remember the route better.. and in truth.. some people memorised the route based on looking at the map. Haha.

Sigh.. I'm just ranting away now.. don't feel like studying H3.. don't feel like doing tutorials yet.. @_@ I shall go try and study now.. hahahaha.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, May 4, 2009 ' 10:25 PM

Bike Hike Tips

Hey guys,
in view of the upcoming recces, as well as for the benefit of any juniors/visitors who happen to stumble/stalk our lively blog, I've decided to share the tips that I just blogged about! With some contributions from Karl Chong =)

1.Sleep at least an hour before the recee itself, if not you will really feel like sleeping (hwachong noooo) and risk yourself flying off your bike like what charlton did during comm recee a few weeks ago
2.SALT! I know that sodium isn't good for health, but bring along some isotonic drinks to prevent your legs from cramping up like mine and constantly need to stretch at everything traffic light that you stop at.
3.Out of the point but you need to be constantly high! It helps the whole group, being noisy and high helps to motivate others and keep them from falling asleep! Though don't shout that loud when you are in residential areas xD

And Mine!
-STAND UP when cycling upslopes! For once being more massive has its advantages! Press down with ALL your bodyweight on those pedals! They won't break...For me at least =P And it ain't that tiring~
-STAND UP when you spot bumps or uneven terrain. Doing so helps to alleviate the inevitable pain in the rear end that you'll experience at 8am in ECP as the result of the bike seat spending the greater part of the night bonding with your butt. Your feet are more adept at tanking jolts than your @$$. Well that's my opinion.
-Drink alot of water and isotonic drinks! In a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. Replenishing salts helps to relieve cramps. So does frequent stretching, for that matter.
-Bring deep heat rub/muscle spray/muscle cream. The cooling menthol sensation WILL help to block out the lactate burning characteristic of upslope pushes. Sadly mine ran out somewhere along Stevens Rd.
-Talk cock/sing song, whatever works, just keep group morale high! Not only will it help to keep people awake, but when you're busy laughing/singing/shouting, you have a readymade distraction to take your mind off that sensation in your thighs/butt.

Till this Wed, PT for recce, BE THERE!

P.S. All the recent blogposts flying around regarding recce are quite fun to read! I think Calean's blog links everyone of us that did write about it =D
P.P.S GHLF for econs essay test and chem mock SPA... =x

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, May 3, 2009 ' 2:00 PM


Hi hi people I'm bored from studying for history test, so decided to help revive the blog :D :D Anyway here's some reminders for the coming week:

  1. We'll be giving the juniors the results of peer evaluation tomorrow (7.10am at amphi before flag raising) and elections will most likely be held on this coming Wednesday/Friday (most likely Friday though, Wednesday may have PT for bike hike), so make yourself free on Friday if possible.
  2. Help remind your friends who have declared interest in Bike Hike to submit their forms asap!! Also try to grab more people to join too!
  3. For those who went for bike hike recee on labour day, please send your reflections to Alex asap, latest by this coming monday which is tomorrow.
  4. For those who have yet to pay $35 to Zheng Xian, please also do so by this coming week
  5. PLEASE BRING YOUR THERMOMETER EVERYDAY FROM TOMORROW ONWARDS! Yeah due to the Mexican flu, all schools are required to conduct temperature taking tests everyday and when you enter school you need to go through this check in the canteen i think. Check EMB for more details. There will be no combined assembly tml, it'll be separate assembly.
Haha that's all from me, need to go back to mugging (2 history tests on Monday), people who have pictures from bike hike recee on labour day please post something and upload the pictures to the Picasa that Steffi has created :D :D :D

The Old Cow

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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