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.Wednesday, July 29, 2009 ' 11:02 PM

We have passed out!

Hey guys!!

We have passed out officially! (I was not given time to make speech during invest... haha)

After 1 year of hard work, blood, sweat, late nights and falling grades.. we have finally completed our term in OAC (08-09). At first, it seemed like our term would never end.. but all of a sudden, it was over in a breeze. Just like that.

Starting from Investiture 08, to MAF 08, to Open House 08, FOS 08, ITC 08, Open House 09, OH 09, YLTC 09, Atlantis 09, Bike Hike 09.. we have slogged our butts off for OAC. All I can say is.. I am really glad that I went through my term with you guys - all 25 of you.

Have you ever wondered.. why did you join OAC? What do you want to achieve in OAC? Well.. I did think about this this year.. and I realised, that it did not matter what I achieved in OAC.. what I really wanted was to just have fun with the batch, for us to go through events and think 'that was fun and memorable'. And also.. the reason why I was/am willing to work for the batch was simple: I enjoy the company of everyone in the batch. And I want the time that we have together to last forever.

Now, looking forward, there is MAF 09 on the 19th of September. I know it is in the middle of prelims.. but I really hope that if possible.. most of us can go down for this event. =) Then.. we have FOS 09 that will be in between prelims and A-levels.. now this one.. everyone should go for it.. we have to win. xD

With the end of our term.. I will definitely miss all the times we had together.. be it organising events, mugging together, or even just having fun. Well.. we can always do the later 2 anytime together.. but I guess.. we all should focus on number 2 first - MUG.

All the best for prelims and A-levels people..! We can do well de. =D

P.S. For the 20 of us in TBYEC.. let's organise more activities in the future after A-levels! For the other 6.. we will definitely invite you all along for the activities is possible de. =)

P.P.S. Want to sit together for prom? I got table order forms.. haha. If not, we can always have our own 'break-away prom' on the same day if the school one is too ex for most of us. xD

P.P.P.S. Love you guys! The photo montage/video has been uploaded on to facebook under my videos.

Charlton (Speaking as the ACI for the last time)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 9:14 AM


Well since i've got some time before my last practice then leaving house, I thought I might as well update the blog abit.

so super dead!!

So fast its already invest again, and its only slightly more than 5 weeks to go to our prelims.

Today's probably one of the last times our batch gathers in full strength together.

SO we better make the best out of it! [ok then again i dont think anyone is going to read this before invest anyway]

but even if the next batch is invested, doesnt mean we're passed out yet right?

I hope invest later is going to be really fun. though i have a feeling its going to be retarded. gogogo. take more photos! go zihigh. wee.

oh heck. Mug hard for prelims ppl.

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ' 2:12 PM


The last general meeting of our term is TOMORROW. Venue unconfirmed, but PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE YOU BETTER be there! Batch photo and all..

Bring PE attire! We're playing sports with the juniors! A welcome opportunity to destress after the brain drain of bt2. Who cares if you got ABCDE or horrors, S or U? Just throw all that away on the court for a few hours.

And bring your passport photos tomorrow!~

From a bored Sean on ZR's account in the library posting while he's doing h1 chem =DD

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes.whoa!♥
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Atlantis 08'
Atlantis08 -WADS up?