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.Sunday, September 20, 2009 ' 12:12 AM


Yoz yoz, haha just now was MAF! Haha dunno how many of you guys will read this but it was quite fun running around just now watching the juniors run around, they got much nicer balloons than us last year >.<
Meeting seniors went well too, juniors did snake dragon roll call, seniors talk, yep xD took an OAC pic, but it's with some senior i dunno from which batch one, so don't think will see it.
Haha and surprisingly attendance was quite good for MAF. This year you guys got prelims as excuse so next year all of you better show up at MAF :D :D
Ok jiayou people for the rest of prelims :D Work hard but remember to rest well too :)
Zhen Rui :D

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, September 6, 2009 ' 10:47 PM


Hi guys,

I'm bored. =)

MAF is on the 19th of September.. although the real mid-autumn festival is on the 3rd of October. So the moon then will be really pretty! =D Can go look at it till midnight somemore.. haha.

Prelims is screwed up.. they should have everything at a go rather than throw one paper, give a long break and then the rest all start rushing in.. >_< It's destroying what we know as.. 'holidays'. In primary school.. holidays are still holidays.. but as we enter college.. holidays are no longer holidays.. they are days that allow full-day mugging instead.. what's the world coming to? T_T

We should all go on strike and PLAY for the whole one-week break.. who's with me?? =D

Anyways.. for FOS.. the sports are most probably street soccer, frisbee and basketball. High chance confirmed as these three sports.. So since I'm bored and need something to do apart from playing computer, watching TV or perhaps studying.. those who want to choose a sport first can message me or e-mail me so that I can collate preferences for FOS to help aid our dear PTIs. =)

You might not get your choice in the end if a certain sport is too popular.. cause that will mean reshuffling. Yepp.. Minimum should be 4 guys and 4 girls to a sport if possible.. considering we have 13 guys and 13 girls..


P.S. There are no more chocs left from Alex.. Those who did not get them.. Not my fault hor. =)

Keep working hard people~! =)

Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, September 3, 2009 ' 10:32 PM


Hi kids,

Prelims.. are here. Only GP lah.. then we have one more week to 'mug-till-we-drop'! Or 'mug-till-you-all-drop-as-I-laugh-from-the-sidelines'. =)

Anyways, as the message that Andy sent out on wednesday, Alex has goodies for EVERYONE for the 34th OAC so please do come down tomorrow morning before gee pee and collect your stuffs from me. They have been rationed out already so everyone gets a FAIR share hor. =D

I will be at the canteen benches as usual..

ALL THE BEST FOR PRELIMS! You all don't need luck.. it's only 1% of success.. just hold on to that 99% you already have - your abilities and intelligence.


Whoa changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

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